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How do I place an order in PocketShop?

Purpose and scope

Aphix PocketShop has a three step process to compile and place orders in real-time into your ERP. While your customers can add items to the cart whether you are online or offline, you can only place the order while you are online. This ensures that the cart calculation is done immediately prior to placing the order, meaning that the most up to date prices have been obtained from your ERP.

This article explains what steps your customers follow to place an order in PocketShop.

It defines the integration points for supported ERPs.

Step by step


You are logged into Aphix PocketShop.

Compile your order

  1. Locate the products you wish to add to your cart, through browsing the product categories, recent products, favourities, using the search feature or the barcode scanner. The product details screen for the selected product is displayed.

  2. Click Add to place the product in your cart.

  3. Click + or - to specify the amount of the product you want to purchase in the Quantity field.

  4. Repeat until you have added all products to your cart

Cart contents marked with PocketShop labels

Integration with SAP Business One (Compile order)

These mappings are intended to help you understand integration between Aphix Digital Platform and SAP Business One. They do not attempt to explain how this feature operates in SAP Business One. Please go to the SAP Help Portal for more information about this topic in SAP Business One.

Aphix PocketShop is built on top of Aphix Digital Platform. PocketShop uses Aphix Digital Platform's standard web service calls to send data to and retrieve data from SAP Business One. 

Your product catalogue in Aphix PocketShop are mapped from the fields listed on the Items Master Data screen in SAP Business One. For clarity, the mapping tables indicate the section as shown in the screenshot and field name listed on the screen in SAP Business One. The Items Master Data screen in SAP Business One is divided into two main sections, as follows:

Key points

  • Product and stock information is retrieved in real-time from the Items Master Data table in SAP Business One.
General area (top)
AphixSAP Business OneExtra notes
Field nameDisplayed in WebShopDisplayed in PocketShopDisplayed in SalesRep

Product code / SKUYY
Item No.
Product titleYY
<no label>NN
Item Type
<no label>NN
Item Group
<no label>NN
UoM Group
Bar Code

While the barcode is not displayed, it is possible to use the in-built barcode scanner in Aphix PocketShop and Aphix SalesRep to get a product's details from your product catalogue.

<no label>NY
Price ListBased on the customer's price list
Currency code | PriceYY
Unit PriceConsists of two fields; the first specifies currency, the second specifies the item's unit price which is based on the price list associated with the logged in customer.
Tabulated area
AphixSAP Business OneExtra notes
Field nameDisplayed in WebShopDisplayed in PocketShopDisplayed in SalesRepTabField Label
<no label>YY


May be retrieved and displayed as part of extra product details.

GeneralStatusOne of Active, Inactive or Advanced. Determines whether the product is displayed in Aphix products.
Sales DataSales UoM NameUnit of measure, can be used to determine if one pack contains multiple units of the same product
Sales DataItems per Sales UnitHow many units per pack
Single UOMNN
Sales DataPackaging UoM NameThe pack type of the product e.g Per Pack, Box, Single Unit
Pack Size or pack sizeYY
Sales DataQuantity per Package


May be retrieved and displayed as part of extra product details.

InventoryWhse NameStock location



InventoryIn Stock

Calc value.

By default, available stock is displayed either as a number of a stock level indicator, depending on how PocketShop has been configured.


Minimum Purchase AmountYN
Planning DataMinimum Order Qty


May be retrieved and displayed as part of extra product details.


Calculate real-time pricing for products in the cart

Click on the cart in the top-right corner of the screen. This opens the cart containing your order. Your order total is calculated in real-time by obtaining the latest prices from your ERP.

Key points

  • Depending on the features enabled, and how PocketShop has been configured, each product can have different pricing rules associated with it. When you clicks Calculate or Checkout, their cart is checked and the final price calculated. During these cart calculations, PocketShop checks the status of the items in the cart to verify that they can be sold in the quantity that are requested. If the order can not be fulfilled, the order cannot be placed and an message to "Please check your cart" is displayed. Once you modifies their cart by removing the issue causing the error, they can place the order successfully. 

  • You can change the error message displayed from the default "Please check your cart" to a different message by using Translations in Management Interface Settings. 

    Top tip

    Search for the global tag,, to quickly locate the text that you wish to modify.

Integration with SAP Business One (Calculate pricing)

AphixSAP Business OneExtra notes
Field nameDisplayed in WebShopDisplayed in PocketShopDisplayed in SalesRep

Net totalYYYn/a

Calc total.

Calculated based on the unit price for the selected products.

VAT totalYY

Calc total.

If applicable, calculated within SAP Business and retrieved using a web service call.



Calc value, based on how you have configured your shipping charges. 
Gross totalYYYn/a

Calc total.

Calculated based on Net total, VAT total and Shipping.

Complete delivery information
  1. Click Checkout. This opens the delivery information screen.

  2. Enter delivery information - select whether you wish to collect in-store or have it delivered.

    • If you select “Collect in store”, you must select which store from the drop-down list.

    • If you select “Delivery”, you must select a delivery address (“Ship to”).

Key points

  • By default, the delivery address is set to the "Ship To" or default delivery address.

  • Your customers can select a delivery address from a drop-down box on the delivery information screen. The list displayed is a combination of delivery addresses saved in WebShop (if your customers are also WebShop users) and those that are saved in your ERP.

  • You can update an existing address and use the modified address. If you do, the address is stored with the order details; it is not saved in the list of delivery addresses.

Integration points with SAP Business One (Get delivery data)

These mappings are intended to help you understand integration between Aphix Digital Platform and SAP Business One. They do not attempt to explain how this feature operates in SAP Business One. Please go to the SAP Help Portal for more information about this topic in SAP Business One.

The Business Partner Master Data contains your customer's data. PocketShop uses Aphix Digital Platform's standard web service calls to send data to and retrieve data from SAP Business One. For clarity, the mapping tables indicates the section as shown in the screenshot and field names listed on the screen in SAP Business One. The Business Partner Master Data is divided into two main sections, as follows:

Key points

  • Delivery name and addresses are retrieved from the Business Partner Master Data table in SAP Business One.
  • These mappings are not complete; only fields that are used in this step are listed.
Tabulated area
AphixSAP Business OneExtra notes
Field nameDisplayed in WebShopDisplayed in PocketShopDisplayed in SalesRepTabField Label
Contact name
Contact PersonsContact Id
Phone Number
GeneralTel No 1
Deliver or CollectionYN
AddressesBill-ToIn Aphix PocketShop, use the radio button to select either delivery or collection

Select addressYY

If "Deliver to address" is selected, the Ship-To address is initially set to the delivery address in the Ship-To field.

Contains a drop-down list containing a list of addresses retrieved from a combination of your address book and the list of Ship-To addresses in Business Master Data

Select delivery countryYY

Mandatory field, used to improve shipping process.

Select a collection locationYY

Optional - if required, it is configured when PocketShop is built.

If "Collection" is selected, a drop-down list of possible collection points are available. The list is set up within Aphix Digital Platform, and is not currently integrated with SAP Business One.

Confirm order details
  1. Click Confirm to confirm details and view the order confirmation screen.

  2. Enter PO reference or any additional notes on the order confirmation screen, as required.

Key points

You can specify whether you want the PO reference field to be optional or required. If you make it mandatory, an error message displayed if it is left blank.

Pay for your order & Place order

Select to pay by credit card or place an order on account. Your order is placed in real time into your ERP.

Key points about order details

  • Order totals, which may include shipping charges and appropriate taxes are calculated in real-time.

  • The net total is displayed in your cart.

  • Clicking 

     shows the net total, VAT total, shipping and gross total.

Integration points in SAP Business One to place order

These mappings are intended to help you understand integration between Aphix Digital Place and SAP Business One. They do not attempt to explain how this feature operates in SAP Business One. Please go to the SAP Help Portal for more information about this topic in SAP Business One.

Aphix PocketShop is built on top of Aphix Digital Platform. PocketShop uses Aphix Digital Platform's standard web service calls to send data to and retrieve data from SAP Business One. 

Fields in Aphix PocketShop are mapped to the fields listed on the Sales Order screen in SAP Business One. For clarity, the mapping tables indicate the section as shown in the screenshot and field name listed on the screen in SAP Business One. The Sales Order screen in SAP Business One is divided into three main sections, as follows:

Key points

  • Sales orders are stored in and/or retrieved from the ORDR table in SAP Business One.
  • The Aphix field labels listed below are the default labels; you can change them using our Translations feature in your Management Interface
General area (top)

SAP Business OneExtra notes
Field nameDisplayed in WebShopDisplayed in PocketShopDisplayed in SalesRep

Customer account codeNN
CustomerSet to value
Contact nameYY
  • In PocketShop, set to value in  in Business Partner Master Data
  • In WebShop, contains data entered by the customer
Phone numberNY
<no label>

Not displayed in ORDR table.

Set to value <> in Business Partner Master Data

PO ReferenceYY
Customer Ref. No

Entered by customer.

  • In PocketShop configuration, this field may be required or optional.
  • In WebShop, this field is mandatory.
<no label>NN
Local currencySet to value in Currency field in Business Partner Master Data
No.Set to next number in series
Status Set to Open
Posting DateNN
Posting DateBy default, set to today's date
Delivery DateNY
Delivery DateBy default, set to Document date
Issue DateNN
Document dateBy default, set to today's date
Tabulated area
AphixSAP BusinessExtra notes
Field nameDisplayed in WebShopDisplaced in PocketShopDisplayed in SalesRepTabField label
ContentsItem No.Set to Item No. taken from Item Master Data
Product descriptionYY

Not stored
ContentsQuantityEntered by Customer
Unit priceYY
ContentsUnit PriceSet to Unit Price taken from the default price list (Price List field) in Item Master Data, before any discounts are applied.
ContentsDiscount %


If discounts exist, they are set to what the customer is entitled to according to their sales order pricing

Tax rateNN
ContentsTax code
Net totalYY
ContentsTotal (LC)

ContentsDel. Date
ContentsTax amount (LC)Optional
Gross TotalYY
Pack sizeYY
ContentsUoM CodeSet to value taken from UoM Group in Item Master Data table.
ContentsUoM Name

ContentsShip-To Name

PocketShop only

Select address

n/aYn/aContentsShip-To Description

Selected by customer from pre-populated list with an existing Delivery address.

Depending on how "Delivery address" was selected when sales order is created. It is set to one of these options:

  • When an address book item is selected, the Ship To | Address is re-used
  • When the address is added manually, these address lines are added into Ship To | Address field

PocketShop only

Select country


WebShop only

Address Line 1

Address Line 2

Address Line 3

Address Line 4

Address Line 5

Post Code


Selected or entered by the customer.

Depending on how "Delivery address" was selected when sales order is created. It is set to one of these options:

  • When an address book item is selected, the Ship To | Address is re-used
  • When the address is added manually, these address lines are added into Ship To | Address field

<no label>NN
LogisticsBill ToSet to billing address taken from Business Partner Master Data
LogisticsShipping typeSelected by customer.
Payment termsNN
AccountingPayment TermsSet to Payment Terms, which is a pre-populated drop-down list of Payment Terms Code(s).
General area (bottom)

SAP Business OneExtra notes
Field name Displayed in WebShopDisplayed in PocketShopDisplayed in SalesRep

Sales contactNN
Sales employee
Net TotalYY
Total Before DiscountCalculated. Optional field
Gross PriceYY
Shipping totalYY

Example - screen by screen view

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