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How do I manage multi-buy offers?

Purpose and scope

The Multi-buy offers feature allows you to set up and manage offers for your customer. Three offer types can be created:

Offer type


Manual selection

Create a list of products for which the offer applies. Manually select the quantity of each product that needs to be purchased, and specify which product is free.

Cheapest free

Create a list of products for which the offer applies. If all these items are added to the cart, the cheapest is automatically free. For example, “Buy 3, and the cheapest item is free”.

Trigger quantity

Create a list of products for which the offer applies. Specify the number of products that needs to be purchased, and the number of products that are free if that product is in the cart. For example, “Buy 4, get 2 free”.

With each offer, you can set up an automatic start and end date. If no dates are specified, then the offer is available immediately.

Multi-buy offers are created and managed in Aphix Management Interface, and viewable in Aphix WebShop.

This article provides a description of how to

  • View existing multi-buy offers

  • Remove existing multi-buy offers

Step by step

Step 1: Log into Management Interface

Log in

Log into Management Interface using your username and password. This opens the dashboard of your Management Interface.

Step 2: Open Multi-Buy Offers

  1. Click Multi Buy Offers. This opens the Special Offers screen.

Action 1: View existing multi-buy offers


Existing offers are listed under “Special Offers”. To open the offer you wish to view, click on its title. The panel on the right shows the details of the offer under the following headings:




Internal name of the offer. This name identifies the offer and is not visible on WebShop.

Start date

Start date of the offer.

If start date is left blank, the multi-buy offer is active immediately. Otherwise, you can set it for a future date.

End date

End date of the offer.

If end date is left blank, the multi-buy offer remains active until you remove the offer manually.

Offer type

Three offer types, described in more detail below, that you can create:

  • Manual selection

  • Cheapest free

  • Trigger quantity

Product search facility

Search facility that allows you to locate the products you wish to add to your multi-buy offer product list.

Enter the name or SKU of the product and click Add Product. The product is added to the product list.

Product list

Name and product code (SKU) of each product included in the offer. The remaining columns vary depending on offer selected.

For all offer types, to remove a product from an existing list check the box under Remove and click Save. This removes the product from the product list. This change is immediately visible in WebShop.

Example of a “Manual Selection” multi-buy offer

Action 2: Remove an offer


To completely remove an offer:

  1. Open the multi-buy offer.

  2. Click Remove offer.

  3. Click Save. The offer is removed from Management Interface and WebShop immediately.

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