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How do I set up and manage shipping services?

Purpose and scope

As a merchant, you may have complex delivery charges that you wish to apply to your customer's cart. Perhaps you want to base your shipping charges on a specific set of products? Maybe, you wish to apply a different shipping charge based on the delivery country? Or you want to create a hierarchy of shipping charges based on more complex rules.

Our shipping services feature offers you more control and flexibility over how you configure and manage shipping rules and charges. Shipping services are set up in Aphix Management Interface. 

The purpose of this article is to describe how to 

  • create a shipping service  

  • manage shipping services

Step by step

Step 1: Log into Management Interface

Log in

Log into Management Interface using your username and password. This opens the dashboard of your Management Interface.

Step 2: Open Shipping


Select Shipping. This opens the shipping configuration screen. Find out more about this screen’s layout.

Action 1: Create a shipping service

  1. Click New.

  2. Enter the new shipping service’s name and click Submit. This creates the shipping service, which is listed as Inactive in your list of shipping services.

Key points

  • You can create multiple shipping services. This allows you to have a number of different shipping options available for your customers. For example, you could have both Express and Standard shipping options which have different costs associated with them.

  • When initially created, a shipping service is set to Inactive. This means that they are not immediately included in any shipping calculations, and gives you time to create the appropriate service charges.

  • You can easily enable or disable any shipping service.

Configured shipping shipping immediately apply to your customers orders once its status is set to Active.

Action 2: Manage shipping services


Within a particular shipping services, you can configure one or more service charges. Each service charge consists of a product code, a charge type, an amount and a priority. Additionally, each service charge can have one or more rules that apply to it.

To view or update a service charge:

  1. Log into Aphix Management Interface.

  2. Select Shipping. This opens the shipping configuration screen.

  3. Click Edit to the right of the service charge you wish to view or update.

To delete an existing rule, click “Delete Rule” to the right of the rule you wish to delete.

To modify an existing rule in a service charge, update the values in what is displayed to new values and click Save.

To add a new service charge, click “Add New Charge“, which is found at the bottom of the screen. This creates a new service charge that allows you to enter product code, charge type, amount and priority. Add in your desired values and click Save.

To add a new rule to a service charge, click Add New Rule. This creates a new rule that allows you to enter your rule criteria. Add in your desired values and click Save.


The screenshot shows three service charges listed in Aphix Management Interface. The tier called Standard has two service charges associated with it.

Service charge #1 has priority 1, while Service charge #2 has priority 2. This means that Service charge #1 is applied first, followed by Service charge #2 when shipping fees are calculated.

Both service charges use the same shipping product code - DELIVERYC, and both use a Flat Fee charge type with a different flat fee amount. The rule that applies in Service charge #1 is that if the Cart Net Total is less than 100, then the shipping fee charged is 7.50. Otherwise, the rule in Service charge #2 applies, which states that if the Cart Net Total is greater than or equal to 100, then the shipping fee charged is 5.00.

Within Aphix WebShop, your customers select a Shipping Method, and the shipping method selected is what is contained in the Label field of the shipping service.

Once your set your shipping service to Active, your shipping configurations apply immediately to your customer’s orders.

Action 3: Delete a shipping service


To delete one or more shipping service(s), tick the checkbox to the left of the shipping service you wish to delete, select Delete from the “With Selected” drop-down box.

What do my customers see after I set up shipping services?


Within Aphix WebShop, your customers select a Shipping Method. Each shipping method relates to one shipping service that you have configured in Aphix Management. The shipping method selected is displayed as what is contained in the Label field of the shipping service. Only shipping services that can be applied to the cart are listed in the drop-down list.

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