How do my customers create a sales quotation?
Purpose and scope
As a merchant, if your customer can not immediately place an order, you may like to know what products they are interested in. Typically, customers place quotes to indicate interest in products prior to placing an order.
Experlogix Digital Commerce platform integrates seamlessly with your ERP through a web service calls. WebShop's Quotations feature uses web service calls to save your customer's quote data into your ERP, to retrieve that quote and to convert those quotes into sales orders.
This article explains what steps your customers follow to create a quote. It also defines where the quote data is stored within your ERP.
Step by step
Your customers can create a quote in WebShop in the following way:
Add products to the cart.
Click Checkout.
Complete the delivery address details and click Next.
On the Confirm Orders page, select “Request a quote for this order” in the list of payment method options and click “Request a quote for this order”. This places the quote into your ERP.
Storing and retrieving data
Key points
When you create your quote, the sales quotation is placed in real-time into your ERP.