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Understanding product specifications

Purpose and scope

Do you have products in your catalogue that have detailed specifications that you’d like to share? With our product specifications feature, you can display detailed product data in table format on the detailed product page.

This feature guide describes the feature and gives you more information on how to configure and use it.

Introducing terms and concepts used in this article




an item for sale in the product catalogue.

Product code (SKU)

the unique code for the product.

Product specification

contains product technical information, such as colour, size, weight, dimensions and so on, of a product. A typical product specification includes data that would appear on a product data sheet. Typically, it is displayed either as a tab or section on the product details page or screen.

How it fits together

A product specification contains the technical information (such as colour, size, weight, dimensions) of a product. Once the product specification feature is enabled, and the technical product information imported, your customers can see it on your WebShop.

Our import / export spreadsheet feature allows you to upload the technical product information. Changes are applied immediately, with a tab visible on the detailed product screen in WebShop. Typically, the specification is displayed as a table of attributes (labels) and values (data).

More information

Set up

To enable this feature,

  • Click Settings.

  • Locate settings related to Product Specifications, either by navigating to Main Product Features and/or Product Page or by searching for ‘specifications’ using the Search function. There are three settings that impact how Product Specifications operates.

Setting can be found under


Click ‘On’ if

Features → Main Product Features

Show a table of product specifications

You want your product technical details displayed as a table.

Features → Main Product Features

Display each group as its own tab in product tabs

You want your product technical details displayed in a number of tabs where each tab is the name of a group specified in the import spreadsheet.

Features → Product Page

Hide specifications

You do not want to see product specifications tabs on the detailed product screen.

Import product specifications

To use this feature once it has been enabled,

  • Create a spreadsheet containing product code, group name and attribute(s):value(s) you wish to add

  • Import the spreadsheet using our import / export spreadsheet feature.

Read our detailed step by step guide to import product specification data.

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