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Was / Now pricing

Purpose and scope

Was / Now pricing allows you to highlight visible savings on items during certain sales events.

The purpose of this feature guide is to explain how to set this feature up and how it is displayed in WebShop.

This optional feature is available as an add on or customisation. Contact us for more information.


The key benefit is that you can highlight sales items to your customers, with both the previous and current prices listed.  

Introducing terms and concepts used in this article



Price list

contains the standard price for each of a group of associated items. Typically, a price list is linked to a customer or group of customers allowing you to easily offer customer-specific pricing.

Step by step

Step 1: Configure your ERP to include Was / Now pricing

Configure ERP

The price list in your ERP contains the standard price for each of a group of associated items. An item can belong to more than one price list.

To configure your ERP to allow for Was / Now pricing, create two price lists with the same set of products; the first list has the Was price, the second list has the Now price.

Key points

  • Typically, the Now price is the live price that is obtained from your ERP in real-time.

  • The Was price is only displayed if it is strictly less than than the Now price.

Link the price lists to the customers you wish to offer Was / No pricing to.

Step 2: Contact us to switch feature on

Contact us

Contact us to switch the Was / Now pricing feature on for you. 

When it is switched on, the web service calls retrieve both the previous and current prices for the specific items. Both prices are displayed as shown in your WebShop on the product listing and product details pages.

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