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How can my customers manage their quotations?

Purpose and scope

As a merchant, if your customer can not immediately place an order, you may like to know what products they are interested in. Typically, customers place quotes to indicate interest in products prior to placing an order.

Aphix Digital Platform integrates seamlessly with your ERP through a web service calls. Aphix WebShop's Quotations feature uses web service calls to save your customer's quote data into your ERP, to retrieve that quote and to convert those quotes into sales orders.

This article outlines the standard functionality that help your customers to manage their quotes within WebShop.  These are:

  • Display list of quotes

  • View an individual quote

  • Tasks that can be performed once they have opened up an individual quote.

It also defines where data is retrieved from and/or sent to your ERP.

Key points

Remember that quotes are retrieved in real-time from your ERP.

Introducing terms and concepts used in this article



Enterprise Resource Platform

a collection of your critical business operating systems, such as product, stock levels, financial, customers, suppliers and so on that run on the same platform.


a sales document generated by the seller in response to a buyer requesting information about a set of specific products. It is typically the first step in the sales process.

Visible product

a product whose status is set to Visible, which means that the product can be viewed and purchased by your customers.

Web service

service that allows two disparate systems communicate with each other via a standard messaging system.

Display list of existing quotes

Your customers can access previously created quotes by logging into their WebShop dashboard, selecting Quotations from the left hand menu bar. This retrieves a list of high level quote data from your ERP and displays them as a list, as shown.

Key points

  • You can edit a quote in your ERP, and any changes you make to it are retrieved and displayed.

  • Note that it is currently not possible to convert a quote to a sales order in Intact if you have updated it in Intact.

SAP Business One - Quotations

These mappings are intended to help you understand integration between Aphix Digital Platform and SAP Business One. They do not attempt to explain how this feature operates in SAP Business One. Please go to the SAP Help Portal for more information about Quotations in SAP Business One. 

Fields in WebShop are mapped to the fields listed on the Sales Quotations screen in SAP Business One. For clarity, the mapping tables indicate the section as shown in the screenshot and field name listed in SAP Business One. The Sales Quotation screen in SAP Business One is divided into three main sections, as shown.

View details of an existing quote

Your customer can select to view the details of any existing quote by clicking View. This retrieves quote data from your ERP and displays it, as shown:

Key points

  • Quotations are retrieved from the OQUT table in SAP Business One. 

  • The Aphix field labels listed below are the default labels; you can change them using our Translations feature in your Management Interface.


SAP Business One 

Field label


Field label


General area (top)


Issue Date

General area (top)

Posting Date

Net Total

General area (bottom)

Total Before Discount

VAT Total

General area (bottom)


Gross Total

General area (bottom)


Additional tasks

All products must be visible in WebShop for a quote to be shared, cancelled, appended or converted to a sales order.

The quote becomes invalid if any products' status contained in the quote becomes invisible.

Once your customer opens an individual quote, they can perform the following tasks:

  1. Share quote

  2. Request cancellation

  3. Append to cart

  4. Create a new order

Share quote


Clicking Share Quote opens your customer's email client and creates an email containing a link to the quote. Simply add a recipient and a subject and click Send to share the quote with their colleagues.

Request cancellation


If configured, clicking Request Cancellation brings your customer to a form which they can complete indicating why they wish to cancel this quote. Data captured in this form is shared with you. Once you remove the quote from your ERP, it is no longer visible when your customer clicks Quotations.

Trying to decide what form to use to capture this information?

Remember that we integrate with Wufoo - see here for more information!

Append to cart


Clicking Append to Cart adds the line items in the quote to your customer's cart. Once added, they can follow the existing process to checkout these products and place an order. When you append products from a quote to a cart, the prices are calculated in real time.

Convert quote into new order

Your customers click Create New Order to convert the quote into a sales order. The quote is retrieved in real-time from your ERP and converted to a sales order. The usual checkout process occurs. The latest prices are obtained for a quote prior to its conversion to a sales order.

You can update any quote in your ERP. Any updated quotes are retrieved in real-time.

It is not possible to convert a quote to a sales order in Intact if you have updated the quote details in Intact.

Quote details are deleted from the OQUT table. A sales order is created in the ORDR table in SAP Business One.

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