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How do I import a product spreadsheet?

Purpose and scope

Each product in your product catalogue has a number of data elements associated with it; including its product code, product name, URL, title, status, whether it is a Featured product, images associated with it and so on. This product information is displayed in WebShop in the product’s listing pages or on the product’s detailed information screen. Our product import / export spreadsheet feature allows you to update one or more product data elements quickly and efficiently.

The purpose of this article is to provide a step by step guide on how to import a product spreadsheet using our product import / export spreadsheet feature.

Key points

We recommend that you read Understanding product administration in WebShop to understand how the import / export spreadsheet feature operates and Importing product information and images for more information on this feature before following the steps outlined in this guide.

Step by step


  • You have logged into Management Interface.

  • You have opened the Import & Export screen on the Import tab

Step 1: Set up product spreadsheet

Create or edit

Use our product import / export spreadsheet feature to quickly import product specifications.

  • Either manually create a spreadsheet with the information you wish to import. The product code (SKU) is always the first column. The spreadsheet contains some or all of the following columns:

    • Product code (SKU) - the product identifier

    • Name

    • URL

    • Page title

    • Meta keywords

    • Meta description

    • Status

    • Featured

    • Index priority

    • Special

    • Content

    • Images (up to 4)

    • Alt text for each image

    • Can buy - only visible when the Can’t Buy feature has been enabled

  • Or export a spreadsheet using our custom product export tool.

  • Edit the spreadsheet with the changes you wish to make.


The following screen show the options selected to export 8 products which must be Visible and are not in either the Featured section or on Special offer.


Exporting this set of options downloads a spreadsheet containing 8 products with the following format:


Step 2: Import spreadsheet

  • When the spreadsheet is ready for import, return to the Import & Export screen in Management Interface.

  • Click Choose File under Product Spreadsheet and select the spreadsheet from your file directory.

  • Click Update Catalogue. This updates the data in your catalogue as specified in the spreadsheets.


Remember that changes are immediately visible in WebShop

Step 3: Verify changes

What do my customers see in WebShop?

Your customers can see any changes you have made to product data once you have imported the product spreadsheet.

To verify that product data has been imported correctly, view the detailed product screen of the product(s) in WebShop you have changed, and check that the changes you have made are displayed correctly.

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