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Our products

Aphix Digital Platform

Aphix Digital Platform is the core component of our product suite. It uses bespoke web services calls to 

  • integrates in real-time with your ERP
  • provides connectivity to various digital marketplaces on one secure and robust platform

It includes its own hosting environment (known as a 'cloud').

Once the Digital Platform is set up, you can add on any or all of our eCommerce (WebShop), Mobile App and eProcurement product suites. 

Aphix eCommerce

Aphix B2B eCommerce is an integrated B2B web portal, known as WebShop, that provides real-time access to product, price and stock levels, with the possibility of gated logins, micro-sites and more. The includes access to Aphix Management Interface, allowing you to customise and manage your WebShop.

Aphix B2C eCommerce is an integrated B2C web portal, known as WebShop, that provides real-time access to product, price and stock levels, with the possibility of gated logins, micro-sites and more. This includes access to Aphix Management Interface, allowing you to customise and manage your WebShop.

Aphix B2B Portal is a secure customer self-service website that allows your customers to order, check stock and manage their account with you. This includes limited access to Aphix Management Interface, allowing you to customise and configure your portal.

Aphix Mobile Apps

Aphix PocketShop is an integrated B2B customer ordering application, designed to work on Android and iOS mobile devices. Designed with a simple interface, it allows your customers access your product catalogue, place orders are placed in real-time into your ERP and manage orders in an efficient and timely way.

Aphix SalesRep is an integrated B2B sales application, designed to run on Android and iOS tablets either online or offline for field sales team, van sales team or in-store assistant. Designed with a simple interface, your sales team can access their customer's product catalogue, place orders into your ERP in real-time and manage customer accounts in an efficient and timely way.

Aphix eProcurement

Order Punchout is a WebShop embedded into your customer's procurement system. Order Punchout allows your customer's to compile orders, follow and complete their internal approval processes within their procurement systems. Once approved, the order is placed in real-time into your ERP using WebShop's functionality.

Uniform Management is an eProcurement add-on that allows you to configure product sets, such as uniforms or items associated with a particular department, that can be ordered and re-ordered within an organisation. Orders are placed in real-time into your ERP using WebShop's functionality. Each product in a product set can have different options associated with it.

Supplier Portal is an eProcurement add-on providing you with a web-based configuration interface. Using this interface, you can automate your procurement process.

eCatalogue is a highly flexible and configurable digital catalogue.

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