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Product configuration (Aphix PocketShop)

Feature list   

Products require configuration, and here's the list of features we offer to support product configuration:

  • Display multiple product images
  • Include product options
  • Include Additional product attributes
  • Display product pack size and/or its selling units

Terms used

A product is an item for sale in the product catalogue.

A product type defines how a particular product has been configured. It is one of:

  • Simple - a single product with no variations

  • Options - a product that has variations

  • Shipping - used in a shipping rule, it defines a shipping charge

  • Paired - [Intact only feature]

  • Voucher

A product option is a product type defined as a variation of a particular product, which the customer can choose when they buy the product. For example, a pair of shoes could have 5 size options and 4 colour options.

Additional product attributes are extra product data, retrieved from your ERP, which are specific and important to your business process. For example, additional stock information, pack size, minimum selling quantities or outstanding sales orders associated with a product. In WebShop and PocketShop, these attributes are displayed in table format on the product details screen.

A selling unit is an amount that you sell a product in; for example, metres or litres.

A pack size is the number of units contained in a single product; for example, 100 screws in a box, or 10 bars in a box.

What's standard in Aphix PocketShop?

FeatureAphix PocketShopKey points on integration 
Multiple product images(tick)
Product options(tick)
Additional product attributes(tick)
Selling units and pack sizes(tick)

More detail

Multiple product images

Display up to four images per product. Additionally, one image can be displayed for each option that a product has. Product images can be easily managed through your Aphix Management Interface.

Product options

Include product options. A product option is a variation of a particular product, which the customer can choose when they buy the product. For example, a pair of shoes could have 5 size options and 4 colour options.

Additional product attributes

Display additional product attributes. Typically, these attributes are information from your ERP that are specific and important to your business processes. Typically, these attributes are key data items about a product; for example, additional stock information or pack size. 

Selling units and pack sizes

Display product pack size and/or selling units if it is imported from your ERP. Import and display of selling units and pack sizes works the same way as it does on WebShop.

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