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Managing multiple delivery addresses

Purpose and scope

Delivery contacts and their addresses are set up and managed in your ERP. These delivery addresses can be integrated into WebShop and PocketShop, so that they can be used for fast and efficient checkout.

This feature guide explains how this feature works and how it is used.


Using this feature allows you:

  • To use your ERP to add, modify or delete delivery contacts and addresses, and be able to use those details while using PocketShop to create and place orders

  • Enable speedier order completion since you can now select both alternative delivery contacts and addresses from the Delivery Details screen

How it fits together

Delivery contacts and their addresses are set up and managed in your ERP. They are presented to your customers when they checkout an order in PocketShop on the Delivery Details screen. By default, the delivery address is set to the "ship to" or default delivery address. If this address does not exist, then your billing address is used as the default. 

The address book of delivery contacts and addresses is synced regularly and saved to the Digital Commerce Platform. It can be viewed under Delivery Addresses in WebShop.

What does my customer see in PocketShop?

When your customer uses the checkout function, the address book of delivery addresses is extracted from Digital Commerce Platform and presented to your customer as a drop-down box. 

Your customer selects the delivery address they wish to use and clicks Confirm to continue the checkout process.

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