As a customer, you want functionality that allows you to search for products quickly and efficiently.
The purpose of PocketShop’s barcode scanner is to allow to you scan a barcode, and find the associated product information quickly and efficiently.
The barcode scanner is found at the top of each screen in PocketShop, making it easy to find and use. Simply click on the scanner icon, allow your camera to scan a barcode, scan the barcode and the barcode scanner does the rest. It searches through your products and returns a product match. Again, another efficient way of searching and locating specific products using PocketShop.
The barcode scanner locates the product by searching for a specified field that contains its barcode. This field is imported and mapped into the platform as part of the regular import process.
This feature guide describes how to carry out the following barcode scanner related tasks:
Setting up products to use by Aphix PocketShop barcode scanner
Using the Aphix PocketShop barcode scanner
Data retrieval from your ERP
Supported barcode types
Key benefits of using the barcode scanner in PocketShop:
Allows you to quickly scan a product barcode and locate the product information in your product catalogue.
Supports a wide number of different barcode symbologies in both Android and iOS versions of the app.
Data retrieval from your ERP
Select your ERP from the drop-down box in the top menu bar to see the recommended default field that barcodes are retrieved from.
Setting up products that the Aphix PocketShop barcode scanner can use
Set up
The barcode scanner locates the product by searching for a specified field that contains its barcode. This field is imported and mapped into Aphix Digital Platform as part of the regular synchronisation process. This means that you can manage your product's barcodes within your ERP.
Any changes that you make in your ERP will be imported the next time you sync Aphix Digital Platform with your ERP.
Using the built-in barcode scanner
The barcode scanner is found at the top of each screen in PocketShop.
Click on the scanner icon.
You will be prompted to allow your camera to scan a barcode. Click Allow to grant permission.
Scan the barcode. The barcode scanner searches through your product catalogue and returns a product match if it exists.
Supported barcode types
Supported barcode types
A barcode is a symbology (or encrypted terminology) that contains information about a particular item; in this case, it contains information about your many different products. There are many different barcode types - each type having different pros and cons.
Digital Commerce supports the following barcode types:
Both Android and iOs
QR Code
Quick Response
Data matrix
2D barcode that can contain a large quantity of information
Universal Product Code
Universal Product Code
International Article Code
EAN 13
International Article Code
Code 128
Compact code based on ASCII with a switching setting that means it can be optimized for barcode length
Code 39
Discrete, self-checking, variable length code
14 digit bar code that uses the “Interleaved 2 of 5” barcode symbology
Android only
Code 93
Alphanumeric, numeric variable barcode length; an extension of Code 39
Linear barcode symbology
Abbreviated from Reduced Space Symbols. This barcode symbology encodes 14 digits and can be scanned omni-directionally.
Stacked limear 2D barcode type
RSS Expanded
Abbreviated from Reduced Space Symbols. This barcode symbology can encode 74 numeric or 41 alphabetic characters. It can be scanned omni-directionally.
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