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Using reCAPTCHA to improve payment security in WebShop

Purpose and scope

Google reCAPTCHA is a third party add-on that is designed to protect your online store from fraudulent activities by automatically detecting and blocking suspicious behaviour. As standard, it is implemented as an Invisible reCAPTCHA integration with WebShop. The Invisible reCAPTCHA integration runs in the background and verifies a customer’s activity before a payment attempt during the checkout process. If it deems the interactions to be suspicious, it displays challenges to the customer so they can verify that they are not a robot. Otherwise, the customer’s payment is processed without any intervention from them. This ensures a seamless checkout process for legitimate users while enhancing the security of your transactions.

The purpose of this article is to outline setup steps and to explain what your customer’s experience is in WebShop when the reCAPTCHA app is integrated with WebShop.


  • You are responsible for maintaining an active reCAPTCHA account.

  • Any costs associated with using third-party software is your responsibility.


To improve payment security in WebShop, we strongly recommend that you install the reCAPTCHA app during onboarding.


Key benefits of integrating reCAPTCHA with WebShop:

  • Improved payment security by preventing fraudulent and suspicious activity

  • Provides a seamless checkout process for legitimate customers

More information

Set up

Set up

Register your WebShop (site) on the Google reCAPTCHA dashboard before you install and configure the reCAPTCHA app in Management Interface.

Key points

Install and activate app

Install and activate

The reCAPTCHA app is listed under Security in the App Store.

Read Using our App Store in Management Interface for a step by step guide to install the app.

Read How do I configure and manage reCAPTCHA? for a step by step guide to configure the reCAPTCHA app.

 What does my customer see in WebShop after I've installed the reCAPTCHA app?

Customer view

In most cases, your legitimate customers should not be aware that the Invisible reCAPTCHA app has been activated. Checks are run in the background and if the transaction is deemed acceptable, the payment transaction is made and the order placed.

Where activity on an interaction has been deemed suspicious , a reCAPTCHA challenge is displayed which your customer must complete before Checkout is completed.

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