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Order Punchout

Aphix Order Punchout is an eProcurement product that embeds an Aphix WebShop into your customer’s procurement system. It allows your customer’s to compile and punchout orders, follow their internal approval processes, and place the order in real-time into your ERP without leaving their eProcurement system.

Built on top of Aphix Digital Platform, and integrated with Aphix WebShop, your customer’s eProcurement software and your ERP, it comes packed with many feature sets offering you an array of functionality. As standard, we support integration with SAP Business One, Intact iQ and Sage 200 ERPs.

Aphix Order Punchout is a SaaS product. This means it includes support, regular feature updates, bug fixes and security monitoring so you are not left behind on older, insecure software.

Introducing terms and concepts used in this article



Commerce eXtensible Markup Language

(cXML), a language used to transfer messages between eProcurement systems, eCommerce sites and suppliers.

Requisition order

a request for goods or services made by an employee to the person or department in a company that is responsible for purchasing.

Web service

service that allows two disparate systems communicate with each other via a standard messaging system.

eProcurement System Integration

Integrates with Coupa and SAP Ariba.


  • Secure single sign-on from within your eProcurement system.

  • Add and manage users in Aphix Management Interface.

  • Access to audit data so you can keep track of requests and orders.

Sales order processing

Compile your order

Within Aphix WebShop, there are a variety of different ways that your customers can compile / create and place an order. These are:

  • Browse catalogue and use "Add to Cart" button to add products to the cart

  • Allow B2B and B2C customers to compile orders using a variety of options, including Quick Order, Order Lists, Spreadsheet Import and others.


Once the order has been compiled, your customer follows the standard Checkout process, by verifying order details and shipping delivery information.


The payment method available to your customer is Punchout. Once your customer selects this payment method, and clicks Punchout, the order is sent via cXML as a requisition order to their eProcurement system.

After following their internal order approval process, your customer can place the order into your ERP in real-time from within their eProcurement system.

Other feature sets included as standard

Once you’ve integrated your eProcurement system with Aphix WebShop, you get all the functionality and features contained in Aphix WebShop as standard. Read Aphix eCommerce standard features for full details.

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