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April 2021

Aphix PocketShop

This month we're celebrating the launch of a new version of PocketShop.

If you haven't come across PocketShop before, let us introduce you our mobile application that is designed to work on your Android or iOS mobile phone. It is a B2B sales app designed to help your customers sell smarter. It is designed with a simple interface that allows your customers access their product catalogue, place orders and manage their accounts in an efficient and timely way. 

Our new version (Version 2.3.0) brings together a number of new features and bug fixes so that you and your customers have a much better user experience!

 New features

Better sync times after a period of inactivity

As you are aware, we added a two step login last October to improve you and your customer's login experience. To recap, this means that you and your customers can start using PocketShop more quickly. We divided the data required for PocketShop to be fully operational into two data-sets: Dataset 1 includes user information and data required to initially run PocketShop, while Dataset 2 contains your product, pricing and stock data.  Additionally, we added progress bars which turn from blue to green when the download process is finished and the data is fully downloaded and synchronised. 

Next, we want to improve your experience when you are already logged in but have had a period of inactivity. After a period of inactivity, it is likely that PocketShop needs to re-sync with Aphix Digital Platform so that both copies (local on PocketShop, remote on Aphix Digital Platform) of your product, pricing and stock data are the same. 

Now, when you or your customers open PocketShop after a period of inactivity, our new application initiation process adds a new progress screen to PocketShop. While this is displayed, PocketShop verifies that the local copy of your data is synchronised with the remote copy stored on the Aphix Digital Platform. Any updates needed are made, so that your local copy is up to date and can be used offline.  We've improved our framework so that the synchronisation is shorter and you or your customers can use PocketShop's full set of great functionality sooner!

Find out exactly how this works in the background by reading the answer to the question - What happens when I open PocketShop after not using it for a while? - in our PocketShop FAQ!

Time extended before automatic logout

Obviously, we'd like your customers to be using PocketShop all the time and don't ever hit this limit! In fact, we'd go as far as to recommend (see here) that your customers don't ever log out. Having said that, we understand that an automatic logout is needed if PocketShop isn't being used frequently, and so we've extended the timeout before automatic logout to 90 days.

Remember when you or your customers are logged out, products that they have previously added to their shopping cart are removed from the cart.

When you or your customer re-opens PocketShop after an automatic logout, they are re-directed to the login screen, and a local copy of your product catalogue downloaded again.

Bug fixes

"My Account" screen shows accurate information

We discovered that the "My Account" screen wasn't updated with the latest information from your ERP. This meant that if you changed your address or the customers' credit status, that data was not reflected in PocketShop. We've fixed this now by requesting the information from your ERP each time you or your customers open the "My account" screen.

Displaying product option prices

The prices of products with product options were not being displayed until they were added to the cart. This wasn't useful behaviour since your customers need to understand how much they pay for each product, including those with product options. We dug into the code, found the issue and fixed it. Pricing for these products now display as they should.

Checking out product with products options possible

An ERP stock error was returned when attempting to check out a product with multiple options in the cart. This wouldn't do at all. Again, we did a deep dive into the code, found the issue and fixed it. It's now possible for your customers to easily purchase products, whether they have product options or not!

Removed visibility of discontinued products

You let us know that your PocketShop was displaying products that were no longer available for sale. We've fixed this now. Products marked as visible, either during a regular re-synchronisation of your product data or through a change in your Management Interface, are no longer visible in PocketShop.

JavaScript errors detected

Please note, these errors can depend on your browser setup.

If this problem persists, please contact our support.