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WebShop and Management Interface feature sets

WebShop is an integrated B2B or B2C web portal that provides real time access to product, price and stock levels, with the possibility of gated logins, micro-sites and more. You can select to make it gated, meaning that your customers must have a login to order, check stock and manage their account.

Management Interface is the control center for Digital Platform, WebShop, Mobile Apps and Multi-channel allowing you to configure these products as necessary.

Built on top of Digital Commerce Platform, and integrating with your ERP, it comes packed with many feature sets offering you a vast array of functionality. As standard, we support integration with many ERPS. Read Our platform and your ERP for a full list of ERPs that we integrate with.

WebShop and Management Interface are SaaS product

WebShop and Management Interface are a SaaS product.

This means that it includes all of the support, regular feature updates, and security monitoring required so that no customer is left behind on older, insecure software and you can concentrate on your core business function.

Of course you can still opt for additional professional services to help you with extensions, migration and roll-out.


  • Browser support

Supports latest version of Google Chrome, Microsoft Edge and Safari

Click here for more detail on this feature set.

Content management

  • Configure your WebShop’s content using Pages, our content management system. Found in Management Interface, you can create, edit and delete blocks, pages and links.

  • Customize the content in your WebShop using Visual Page Builder, our intuitive drag and drop functionality and interactive configuration controls.

  • Manage SEO data controls for the content you create in Pages

  • Configure and display banners in WebShop, using our easy to configure banner management system for Hero and Category banners.

  • Use our news and blog management system in Management Interface to share your company news and updates in the “Latest News Section” in WebShop.

  • Includes Essential pages, which are mandatory pages required by WebShop such as WebShop home page, Contact Us, Privacy Policy, Cookie Policy and so on.

  • Add store locations using our Store locator tool

  • Store files and images in Files manager, our built-in file management feature.

Account management -


Customer account management

Restrict viewing of specific WebShop pages to a specific set of customers.

Merchant account management

  • Allow access to and manage Management Interface administrators

  • Configure administrator permissions

  • Configure email confirmations (Order to / Order from)

  • Assign order documents to the correct location (head office or branch), when the Approving Orders feature is enabled

  • On behalf of customers, administrators can create, edit and delete customer accounts in Management Interface

  • On behalf of customers, administrators can update customer passwords

Catalogue management

  • Easily update your product catalogue using import and export tools in Management Interface

  • Automatic regular import of your product catalogue from your ERP

  • Manage your categories

  • Define and implement custom catalogue structure

  • Define and implement segmented catalogue structure

  • Restrict catalogue search by customer group

Click here for more information on this feature set.

Product configuration

  • Displays real-time version of your product catalogue so you can

    • Set up a regular automatic import of your product catalogue,

    • Upload and download products by spreadsheet and / or

    • Manually add or edit products in Management Interface

Once you’ve saved your changes, they are immediately visible in WebShop.

 Click here for more information on this feature set.

Search and filter

  • Extensive catalogue search

  • Search product catalogue by SKU, keyword and alternative codes

  • Visual auto-suggest from search

  • Search by category or brand

Combine several independent category tree into one more complex category tress to provide your customers a more directed navigation option as they search for products.

  • Filter listed products using the category structure

  • Dynamic search filters

Set up filters based on product options or sub-categories

  • Powerful cross referencing

Read Understanding search options in WebShop for more information.

Customer self-service

  • Automatically register a WebShop Instant Account for B2B customers

  • Workflow that supports manual account creation for B2C customers

  • Secure login, access to a range of self-service options and password reset functionality

  • “My Account” screen, which is populated with your customer’s credit status and contact details. Customer details are retrieved from your ERP.

  • Sales order processing features, including compiling orders, checkout and paying for your order

  • Create quotes, and convert them to sales orders

  • Manage delivery addresses

  • Favourites, allowing your customer to mark products as Favourites for easier re-ordering

  • Order history, view recent orders and repeat ordering based on Order History

  • Transactions, allowing your customers to view transactions which have been retrieved in real-time from your ERP

  • Maintain order lists

  • Account security - change your password from within WebShop

  • View and print commercial documents, such as invoices and credit notes

  • Manage Favourites groups

  • Approve orders

  • Edit content from within WebShop

  • View and re-order recently ordered products

  • View a list of top products

  • Access to Service Desk, an integrated online communications channel

Sales order processing

  • Compile your order

    • Browse catalogue and use "Add to Cart" button to add products to the Cart

    • Allows customers with accounts compile orders while offline. Your customers can compile orders when and where it suits them, regardless of their internet connectivity.

  • Checkout

    • Place order into your ERP in real-time.

    • Enable guests compile orders and checkout with no account required

    • Enable B2B and B2C customers to have One Page checkout

Include all the elements of a standard checkout (shipping address, order notes and product details and pricing) on a single screen for quicker checkout

  • For North America customers, when you have an active Avalara AvaTax integration, checkout calculates sales tax in real-time

Once your customers have completed the checkout process fully the order is sent to your ERP in real-time.

  • Pay for your order

    • Accept payment against a credit balance

    • Accept immediate payment for both B2B and B2C customers via a payment gateway

    • B2B payment on account - include workflow that allows your B2B customers pay some or all of the balance on their account

  • Additional features that support sales order processing

    • Automatic order confirmation email sent to your customers when they place an order

    • Verify that an order has been successfully submitted to your ERP in Management Interface

    • Provide access to order history in your customer's WebShop dashboard

Read Sales order processing in WebShop for more information.




  • View real-time stock availability

  • Display stock level on product listing and detailed product pages

  • Display stock level indicators on product listing and detailed product pages

  • Allows for multiple stock locations

  • Re-calculates stock based on selling units and/or pack sizes

Stock can be recalculated based on whether you have enabled use of selling units and/or pack sizes for your products. Data is retrieved in real-time from your ERP that indicates that you do not have enough stock to fulfil a particular order.

Useful if you require to have tight control on your stock levels.

Shipping and delivery

  • Configure delivery due dates. Either let your customer select the next available date or set up ERP rules that are applied during checkup. Typically, delivery date rules are set up during your PocketShop app build.

  • Use Shipping Services in Management Interface to set up shipping charges. Shipping charges are automatically applied to your customer’s orders in PocketShop.

  • Select a stored delivery address

  • Configure collect in-store options

  • Display freight rates imported from your ERP

Only available when Digital Commerce is integrated with SAP Business one

Read Shipping and delivery in PocketShop

Integrating with external tools



  • Typically, to integrate with Digital Commerce, you will be asked for your credentials for the third-party software. You are responsible for maintaining an active account for third-party software you wish to integrate.

  • Any costs associated with using third-party software is your responsibility.

* Premium: additional cost applicable

Read Integrating external tools for more information

Payment gateway integration


Read Integrating a payment gateway for more information.

  • Each payment gateway has pros and cons. As a merchant, you will need to look at them and determine which best suits your business and your processes.

  • Check out our App Store to see if you can configure your chosen payment gateway.

  • Integration with new payment gateways have additional development work associated with them, for which you will be charged. Please contact us if you wish to integrate a payment gateway that is not on our supported list.



  • Use Translations to display and update field labels and error messages.

  • Use Translations to display and update field labels for the six languages [English (UK), English (US), Dutch (Netherlands), French, German and Spanish] we support.

  • Use Regional Settings to customize the format of your currency.

Configure the currency symbols displayed for products in your product catalogue. Note that the Language Switcher feature must be on before using this feature.

  • Display trade pricing in multiple currencies.

The customer's currency is retrieved from your ERP in real time when your customer logs in, and any prices are displayed in that currency. Should you update that customer's currency in your ERP, that change is reflected the next time that they log in.

  • Display retail pricing in multiple currencies.

One currency is set as the default in your B2C WebShop. Multiple currencies are supported; although you need a separate web sales account for each currency you wish to support. Any changes made to retail pricing in your ERP are synchronized as part of the regular pricing import.

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